Saturday, August 31, 2019

What is Couture Sewing?

There’s no doubt about it: couture clothing is the most exquisite clothing in the world. It’s made from the finest material, features the most intricate designs, and is perfectly sized and stitched to create a simply stunning finished product. It’s almost impossible to think of all of the hard work that goes into creating couture […]


Saturday, August 24, 2019

How to Sew a Bound Buttonhole

Whether you’re making a denim and chambray jacket, burlap shoulder bag, a suede skirt, or a cover for a pillow out of upholstery fabric, a backstay for your drapery, or any other hand-stitch garment that’s going to feature buttons, a bound buttonhole is definitely something that you should consider including. Bound buttonholes instantly transform any […]


Saturday, August 17, 2019

How to Press Clothes

Pressing clothing is a task that you either love or hate. If you fall into the latter group of people, the sight of a wrinkled shirt or pants covered with creases might send you into a tizzy. Despite your best efforts to avoid pulling out the old ironing and ironing board, however (like tossing your […]


Monday, August 12, 2019

How to Use a Stitch Regulator

Sewing truly is a labor of love. There are so many incredible creations that you can make, and the best thing about it is that each item you make is completely unique – and each item is made by YOU! If you love using your sewing machine to create handmade quilts, then there’s no doubt […]


Tuesday, August 6, 2019

How to Use a Sloper to Alter Patterns

Being a seamstress is so rewarding! There’s nothing better than turning a beautiful piece of sewing fabric – whether it’s denim and chambray, suede, linen, lace, chenille, or any other material – and using a sewing pattern to make your very own garment. While hand-stitching your own clothing is most certainly incredible, there’s just one […]


Boiled Wool Fabric: History, Properties, Uses, Care, Where to Buy

The textile industry, throughout the world, is the most growing and profitable. Each fabric used in this industry has its importance, but wh...